Western Show Shirts

The Sparkle Ridge Brand

Step into the world of Sparkle Ridge on our 'Branding' page, where we unfold our unique story of passion, innovation, and commitment to the equestrian community. Our brand values woven into every piece of western show apparel we create, designed to empower and inspire confidence in riders of all levels. Discover how our dedication to quality, style, and uniqueness sets us apart, making every moment in the show ring unforgettable.

Get Your Sparkle On!

Our BRAND aims to inspire personal growth & development. We share inspirational stories, messages and more on our social media platforms and Blog*Podcast. Highlighting the success of our customers is our way of spreading good vibes and expanding positive influence.


Grab a horse, snap a pic, show it off!



We are happy to share your proud moments as well! Our Wear-it-share-it program offers to showcase you and your horse wearing our apparel on our social media platforms. Send us your content with a few words & we can share & tag you in it as well.

#mysparkleridge on instagram & we’ll add you to our feed!


Our Social Media Platforms
